Spiritual Psychic Readings
Connect With Spirit Through Me
The information needed for this reading is simply your name. I would ask that this information be sent to me before the reading as I usually connect before the reading actually begins.
Many times I begin receiving information immediately which I write down and share with you once the reading begins. The first half of the phone/messenger reading I connect with your energy and relay to you the information I am receiving from Spirit. The second half of the reading is devoted to answering all of your questions.
While this is how I typically conduct these readings, it can be tailored to the client. Readings are interactive, it is your time to connect with Spirit through me. Before the reading, write down your questions or concerns that you wish to cover and when asking questions, be clear on what information what you would like to know. When simply asking me to focus on the area of Love or Relationships, for example, Spirit will share with you what you Need to know, and this may not be what you Want to know.
Video and Phone Readings
Kerri offers Spiritual Psychic Readings over the phone or via video conferencing with Skype or Zoom. Kerri incurs all charges for phone readings made within the United States and Canada. International callers will assume all phone charges.

Email Readings
Email readings are designed to address specific questions, therefore, details are needed to ensure Spirit answers exactly what you wish to know.
Example of a vague question "How is my daughter doing?"
Spirit may wish to communicate several aspects of how your daughter is doing but if your wish to know something specific a better question would be:
Example of a great question "My daugthter is struggling with which college to attend. She has a choice between Temple or Penn State. Does Spirit have any guidance?"
Each email reading includes a follow up email where the client may ask any questions for clarity on any information included in the reading
Dream Interpretation
Your Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides , and Ascended Masters are always giving you guidance through your dreams. Dreams contain much symbolism which, once interpreted, can give you the much needed guidance that you have been asking for.